Bee pollen is one of nature’s
healthiest and most powerful superfood. It’s been used as a dietary supplement
for thousands of years. The early Egyptian and early Chinese civilizations both
used it as a physical rejuvenator and medicine. The Greek physician Hippocrates,
recognized as the father of modern medicine, used pollen as a healing substance
over 2,500 years ago. Today natural health practitioners often refer to bee
pollen as an herbal “fountain of youth” that can be used for everything from
weight loss to cancer prevention. It may be nature's most perfect
Regular intake of this tablet ensures
your dose of Vitamin B, protein, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes --
essentials that assist in the maintenance and improvement of your general
well-being. Bee Pollen has been highly regarded health food through the ages. It
is a natural source of protein, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. It has
rejuvenating and nourishing effects on the skin, preventing premature aging of
the cells and stimulating growth of new skin tissue. It helps smooth away
wrinkles and stimulates a life-giving blood supply to skin cells. Bee Pollen
speeds up the burning of calories. An ideal dietary supplement.
Pollen health benefits:
- loses weight
/ weight control
- increases energy,
vitality and stamina
- enhances the immune
- speeds the healing of
- relieves allergy and
asthma symptoms
- improves sexual
function / boost sexual desire
- improves fertility in
females and males
- corrects digestion
- alleviates mentrual
- alleviates migraine
- relieves various
prostat)e problems
- slows the aging
- prevents cancer and
other diseases
- increased blood hemoglobin (the part of
the red blood cell)
One thing is certain: people who consume
high-quality Bee Pollen almost
always experience an increase in energy, zest, and physical
endurance. This
is precisely why thousands of world-class athletes supplement their diets with
this natural substance.
Over the
long-term, regular consumption of Bee Pollen will help
alleviate many different health problems, slow down the aging process, and
improve your quality of life.
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