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Thursday, 31 July 2014
Monday, 28 July 2014
Thursday, 17 July 2014
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Monday, 14 July 2014
Sunday, 13 July 2014
DXN Reishi Gano Tea ™
Here’s what the product claims:-
Ganozhi body soap with ganoderma extract will make your skin radiant, supple and smooth while relaxing your nerves. Having no artificial colorings, it is suitable for all types of skin
Ingredients : sodium palmate, ganoderma extract, glycerin fragrance….
A few amazing facts about ganoderma (red mushrooms):
• Ganoderma is known for centuries as the “Miraculous King of Herbs” that has a traceable consumption record of more than 2,000 years.
• Ganoderma inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide while growing like human beings. So, when we take it, we add good quantity oxygen to our bodies.
• Ganoderma works directly on the body starting from its cells (not on the disease), thus making it possible for the body to treat the “root cause” of any disease including those believed to be incurable, chronic or recurrent.
• Ganoderma is an adaptive that works directly on every cell of the human body. It provides oxygen, nutrients and elements that correct cell imbalances. Thus, strengthening the cell membranes so the cells will not take in new toxins.
• Ganoderma has no side effects.
• Ganoderma can be taken long-term without the fear of developing a tolerance to its effects.
• It gives 100% result to acne problems…

Pollen health benefits:
- loses weight / weight control
- increases energy, vitality and stamina
- enhances the immune system
- speeds the healing of wounds
- relieves allergy and asthma symptoms
- improves sexual function / boost sexual desire
- improves fertility in females and males
- corrects digestion problems
- alleviates mentrual cramps
- alleviates migraine headaches
- relieves various prostat)e problems
- slows the aging process
- prevents cancer and other diseases
- increased blood hemoglobin (the part of the red blood cell)
One thing is certain: people who consume
high-quality Bee Pollen almost
always experience an increase in energy, zest, and physical
endurance. This
is precisely why thousands of world-class athletes supplement their diets with
this natural substance.
Over the
long-term, regular consumption of Bee Pollen will help
alleviate many different health problems, slow down the aging process, and
improve your quality of life.
Ganozhi Toothpaste is suitable for daily use.
It can be used in many different ways such as:
•For Mouth:
It is useful for the mouth, teeth, refreshes the mouth and kills all bacteria and cancer cells inside the mouth and stops the bleeding of the gum. Gives nice smell. Whitens the teeth.
•For Throat pain:
A little of it could be diluted in a glass of water and could be used for gurgle or mouth wash.
•For Headache:
Can be used to release headache by massaging the forehead with little water mixed in the palm with Ganozhi toothpaste.
•For Chest:
Dilute Ganozhi Toothpaste with little water and massage your chest and neck to allow more oxygen to be absorbed into your chest and lungs and respiratory system to enable you to breath better.
•For Face:
Can be also applied on the face as after shave lotion and it kills all the bacteria and/or heals any wounds on the face which is caused by shaving. It refreshes the skin. Leave it few minutes before washing the face with water again. It whitens the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to apply it on the face and neck together otherwise there will be a difference in color between the face and neck if applied before sleeping till morning time.
•For Stomach and Colon Pain (Digestive System) :
Can be a digestive system relief by mixing a little of Ganozhi Toothpaste with few drops of water and massaging the stomach to eases the pain.
Dilute a little a bowl of boiled water and inhale it. It gives you lots of oxygen and allow you to breath better. You can apply a little around the nose nestles.
•Wounds and Burns:
It helps healing light wounds and dry wounded heels and feet.
It is effective in treating burns.
•It is good for fungus in the feet, insect bites, removes warts.
•Skin Allergy.
oTreats pimples which appears on the surface of the skin.
oTreats the skin allergy
oWhitens the clear parts of the body such as elbows and knees and heals the feet wounds.
Just dilute with little water and massage the infected skin area.
•It treats and heals hemorrhoids (piles).
•Feminine wash. For local wash.
And in the end … you can eat Ganozhi Toothpaste because it contains no chemicals and no coloring and no other materials which are available in other kinds of toothpaste.
DXN Ganozhi toothpaste does not contain saccharin and colouring.
It contains high quality Ganoderma extract, food gel, menthol and food flavoring. It can effectively cleanse your teeth thus leaving a pleasant taste in your mouth. It also makes your teeth healthier and brighter.
•You can drink it if you have a disturbed stomach or acidity. It makes you feel better.
•Or can be drunk also in case of food poisoning so it will cleanse the toxins out of the body.
• It is all organic and natural. It contains only Ganoderma, menthol and fructose.
Saturday, 12 July 2014
Massage Oil contains the finest palm oil and Ganoderma extract suitable for
every massage need. It is all-natural and rich in antioxidant. Best for all skin
types and ages. Use Gano Massage Oil as a revolutionary way to perk up your
● Relieves minor
● Recover from
● Reduces
● Relaxes and
loosens stiff, sore muscles
● Enhancement of
athletic performance
* Gano Massage Oil Penetrates the skin up to
7th layer.
* Relieves
muscle aches and pain.
*Gives instant relief to joint pain, arthritis,
rayuma, etc
Natural Ingredients – 30% Ganoderma Extract and 70% Palm Oil
• Rich in anti-oxidants - Vitamin A, E and beta carotene
• Vitamin E promotes moisture to skin and hair
• Provides pain relief through ganoderma's action in improving local blood
circulation which effectively deals with main source of muscle soreness spasm
and lactic acid accumulation.
• No salicylate, thereby avoiding the danger of salicylate induced dermatitis and
drug toxicity.
• Palm Oil triglycerides carry linoleic acid which favours absorption and
availability for use in the body.
• Adenosine in the Ganoderma mushroom helps improve muscle tone and
• Suitable for all skin types and all ages
• Rich in anti-oxidants - Vitamin A, E and beta carotene
• Vitamin E promotes moisture to skin and hair
• Provides pain relief through ganoderma's action in improving local blood
circulation which effectively deals with main source of muscle soreness spasm
and lactic acid accumulation.
• No salicylate, thereby avoiding the danger of salicylate induced dermatitis and
drug toxicity.
• Palm Oil triglycerides carry linoleic acid which favours absorption and
availability for use in the body.
• Adenosine in the Ganoderma mushroom helps improve muscle tone and
• Suitable for all skin types and all ages
Herba ini telah di amalkan turun temurun terutama oleh masayarakat Asia dan Asia Tenggara. Herba ini adalah pusaka dari hidupan yang bersih dan berkhasiat serta di kenali dengan berbagai nama mengikut etnik. Pada umum dan kebiasaannya ia dikenali juga dalam bahasa saintifiknya sebagai akar cerita, hempedu bumi dan rumput misai kucing.
Herba ini dikenali juga dalam bahasa sainfitiknya sebagai Andrographis Paniculata. Pengambilan secara berterusan adalah di galakkan kerana khasiatnya didalam perubatan amatlah terbukti keberkesanannya. Di berapa negara barat ianya di jadikan sebagai ubat moden dan digunakan di Hospital-Hospital Kerajaan dan Swasta sebagaI anti kuman. Di Asia terutama di India, cina dan Asia Tenggara. Herba ini tidak asing lagi sebagai perubatan Alternatif.
Khasiat dan kelebihan Andro G.
1. Menurunkan kadar kandungan gula dalam darah(terutama pada penderita kencing manis)2. Menurunkan kadar kandungan kolestrol dalam darah serta mengurangkan kepekatan darah.
3. Membuang toksin dalam darah.
4. Menurunkan serta menstabilkan suhu badan,darah tinggi.
5. Menghidar dan membunuh jangkitan cacing
7. Merawat penyakit kulit, batu karang.
8. Merawat dan mencuci buah pinggang serta pundi kencing.
9. Sedang di uji kebekesanannya bagi penyakit AIDS & HIV.
10. Bronkitis kronik, lumpuh, kenser.
Andrographis Paniculata’s Wide
of Medicinal
The global flu epidemic of 1918 was one of the
most devastating infectious outbreaks in world history - more virulent even than
the Black Death in the 14th century - killing 50 million people worldwide. No
country escaped its onslaught but in India , an amazing herb, Andrographis
paniculata, was credited with stopping the spread of the deadly virus.
Now, important new research has confirmed a host
of pharmacological benefits for this herb, including potent anti-inflammatory,
anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects. In addition, scientists have discovered
that Andrographis paniculata helps boost the immune system, protects against
cancer, prevents blood clots and maintains efficient digestive functioning.
Andrographis paniculata is an annual plant with
characteristic white-purple or spotted purple flowers that flourishes in
South-East Asia, China and
India . It has been valued for centuries
by herbalists as a treatment for upper respiratory infections, fever, sore
throat and herpes. Other reported applications include its use in cases of
malaria, dysentery and even snakebites.
In the last 10 years or so, andrographis has
become popular in America and
Scandinavia where it is used as a preventative
and treatment for the common cold - hence its modern nickname - 'Indian
echinachea'. But HSI Panellists have discovered that the herb has enormous
potential in a far wider range of diseases. And now that the herb is available
in the UK , we're delighted to bring you this
report about its extraordinary benefits.
Andrographis helps your body fight infection and can reduce the length of a cold
Although scientists in the West have recently
been uncovering the remarkable medicinal properties of andrographis, it has in
fact been used in Ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of years.
Today it is prominent in at least 26 different
Ayurvedic formulations used to treat liver disorders. The herb improves gall
bladder function, increases bile flow (thereby aiding digestion), and has been
found to be as effective as silymarin (active compound in milk thistle) in
protecting the liver.
To date, the herb is best known in Western
society as a popular over-the-counter alternative remedy for the common cold.
Several double-blind clinical trials have shown that andrographis can reduce the
severity of symptoms.
In one study involving 158 participants,
andrographis or placebo was given daily for 4 days. By the second day those
taking the herb showed significant improvements as compared to those given the
placebo. Improvements were seen in relation to sleeplessness, nasal drainage and
sore throat.
As a preventative for the common cold, studies show that andrographis may increase the body's resistance to infection by stimulating the production of antibodies and macrophages - large white blood cells that scavenge foreign matter. In a three-month trial involving 107 students, 54 of the participants took 100mg of andrographis twice daily, while the remaining students were given placebo. At the end of the trial only 16 students in the andrographis group experienced the signs of a cold, compared to 33 in the placebo group 3,
Andrographis promotes a healthy heart by preventing blocked arteries and blood clots
Scientists today, however, are focusing on the herb's application in treating the 'killer' diseases that blight modern life, such as heart disease, cancer and even AIDS.
The main active constituent in andrographis is andrographolide, which in herbal medicine is referred to as a 'bitter' principle - so called because of its bitter taste. Indeed, andrographis is known as the 'King of Bitters'.
Bitter herbs generally have an affinity with the heart, liver and gall bladder and most have a cooling effect on the body and can bring down a temperature.
According to studies in
Further research shows that the herb activates fibrinolysis, a natural process in the body in which blood clots is dissolved. It also relaxes the smooth muscle in the walls of blood vessels and has a blood pressure-lowering effect.
Performs as well as many conventional drugs but without the harmful side-effects
Andrographis extracts are cytotoxic (cell-killing) against cancer cells. Positive results have been seen in relation to stomach, skin, prostate and breast cancer cells in test-tube studies.
In fact, recent laboratory tests in
The herb's anti-viral activity has been demonstrated in HIV and AIDS. Andrographis prevents the virus from infecting healthy T-cells and inhibits the spread of infection, while other studies show that the herb is able to fight HIV in cells even after they have been infected.
Scientists have found that andrographis hinders HIV from taking over a 'control enzyme' in certain T-cells that triggers the multiplication of the virus. This action is the same as AZT, a commonly used AIDS drug with a number of debilitating side-effects, including a low blood count.
Finally, andrographis extracts are showing promise in relieving diarrhoea associated with E.coli bacterial infections.
In one study, andrographis was given to 1,611 people with bacterial dysentery and 955 people with diarrhea. The results showed an overall effectiveness of 91.3 per cent.
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Spirulina: Nutritional Fertility and Pregnancy Support
Dalene Barton, CH, DoulaSpirulina is an excellent way to support healthy fertility and pregnancy through its superior nutritional content. Spirulina is a cyanobacteria, that is commonly referred to as blue-green algae. The protein in spirulina is considered to be of the highest quality protein, superior to all other plant proteins, including those in the legume family (beans, peas, soy, ect.). It is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.
Because spirulina is an exceptionally nutritive plant food source, it has been shown to be excellent for supporting healthy fertility and pregnancy. Several studies on mice have shown no adverse effects on pregnant mice who were fed spirulina daily at a weight appropriate dosage. Excessive dosage of spirulina was shown to have some adverse effects to both the mice mothers and pups. This study makes a good point, it is important to use spirulina as a food, not in high doses. More does not equal better results!
Benefits of Spirulina for Healthy Fertility
“Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food” -Hippocrates, 460-c.
370 BCSpirulina is a Complete Protein Source This green super food is a complete protein source, as it contains all the amino acids necessary to qualify as a complete protein source. Protein content is 50-70% of its total dry weight. There is a variation in percentage of protein content dependent on time of harvest in relation to daylight. It contains the most protein when harvested in the early daylight (interesting!).Whole Food Spriulina Contains a Wide Variety of Vitamins and MineralsAs we all know a whole food diet is essential to healthy fertility. Spirulina provides a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, all of which are easily utilized by the body.
Spirulina is an easy way to boost your nutritional intake daily!
Vitamins: A, D, E, K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, B12, Folate and Pantothenic Acid.Minerals: Potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, selenium, iron, copper, and phosphorus.Because spirulina grows in fresh water, rather than salt water like seaweed, it contains a relatively low amount of sodium.
Antioxidant Content May Improve Egg & Sperm Health, Prevent PreeclampsiaMay of the vitamins and minerals in spirulina are antixoidants, which have been shown to protect the body from free radical damage. Oxidative damage due to free radicals have been shown to contribute to fertility issues such as luteal phase defect, poor egg and sperm health, as well as lowered overall immunity and health.Researchers in Mexico suggest that spirulina may be helpful in treating women with preeclampsia, or preventing it from happening at all. This may be due to its superior nutritional content, but researchers suggest it for another reason. Numerous studies have shown that preeclampsia is associated with increased oxidative stress in both the placenta and vascular system of the mother. NADPH oxidase has been shown to be the number one source for oxidant stress associated with preeclampsia.
Phycocyannobilin (PCB) contained in spirulina has been shown to inhibit NADPH. This may help to protect mother and child from preeclampsia. The leading cause of preeclampsia is poor nutrition.
Essential Fatty Acids Spirulina contains essential fatty acids in the form of linolenic acid, linoleic acid and arachidonic acid. These essential fatty acids aid in protaglandin function necessary for hormonal balance and blood pressure regulation (also important for pregnancy).
Low Sugar and Starch Content Spirulina only contains about 10-15% carbohydrate content. Spirulina consumption does not alter insulin levels, which makes it safe for those with PCOS, or dibetes related infertility.Where Does Spriulina Come From?Spirulina naturally grows in alkaline lake water in warm regions.
It is now farmed in controlled environments as well. Spriulina is tiny, measuring only 0.1mm across. Its rapid growth makes it an sustainable food crop. Because spirulina grows in such harsh conditions, it has been shown to be a very clean food source.
Suggested Daily Dosage There are no official recommended daily guidelines for spirulina, but a general consensus is that 3000mg a day is safe.
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DXN MycoVeggie - Fiber Rich Natural Diet Product
DXN Myco Veggie is a specially formulated high dietary fibre food mixed from a wide range of vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, fruits and spices. It is sugar-free, cholesterol-free, low in fat and sodium, high in vitamin C, high in calcium, high in iron and contains various nutrients. It is an easy-to-serve supplement anytime and anywhere.
MyCo Veggie helps body detoxification by gently cleansing the digestive tracts and promoting waste elimination through bowels. It may also be used as a substitute for meals as part of a weight control program. The Meal that will end all Meals.
When you eat DXN Myco Veggie – you are eating the most nutrients ingredients of
- vegetables,
- mushrooms,
- herbs,
- fruits and spices,
- Spirulina,
- Noni Leaf,
- Lion’s Mane,
- Psyllium Grain,
- Celery,
- Mulberry Leaf,
- Gingko leaf,
- Ginger,
- Lemon Grass,
- 14. Shiitake Mushroom,
- Lyophillum Mushroom,
- St. George’s Mushroom,
- Elm Oyster Mushroom,
- Grey Oyster Mushroom,
- Split Gill Mushroom,
- Sweet Corn,
- Lime,
- Orange,
- Green Tea,
- Pericarpium Citri Reticulatea,
- Star Anise,
- Clove,
- Cinnamon.
Preparation Instructions
1 scoop (5g) of MycoVeggie: A glass of cold or warm water: Stir well & consume immediately. Once opened refrigerate/keep in a cool dry place.
Nutrition Facts: Serving Size 1 scoop (5g) Servings Per Container 80
Per 100g - Per Serving - (5g)
Energy - 360 kcal - 18 kcal
Total carbohydrate - 86.0g - 4.3g
Sugar - 0.0g - 0.0g
Protein - 2.8g - 0.1g
Total Fat - 1.0g - 0.1g
Cholesterol - 0.0mg - 0.0mg
Dietary Fibre - 78.0g - 3.9g
Sodium - 86.0mg - 4.3mg
Nutrition Facts: Serving Size 1 scoop (5g) Servings Per Container 80
Per 100g - Per Serving - (5g)
Energy - 360 kcal - 18 kcal
Total carbohydrate - 86.0g - 4.3g
Sugar - 0.0g - 0.0g
Protein - 2.8g - 0.1g
Total Fat - 1.0g - 0.1g
Cholesterol - 0.0mg - 0.0mg
Dietary Fibre - 78.0g - 3.9g
Sodium - 86.0mg - 4.3mg
Other Benefits Of MyCo Veggie
What other benefits you will get and enjoy from eating Myco Veggie?
Psyllium Grain: Treatment of constipation, diarrhea, intestinal disorder syndrome, hemorrhoids, low high-density cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, colon cancer, joint and urinary tract inflammations (rheumatoid arthritis cystitis, or arthritis) and for nervous exhaustion.
Celery: For joint and urinary tract inflammations (rheumatoid arthritis cystitis, or arthritis) and for nervous exhaustion.
Mulberry Leaf: For • Asthma • Urinary tract infection • Reduces cholesterol rates • Prevents ulcers • Anti-aging factors and progress in age.
Ginkgo: For • Memory enhancer, • Benefits many students & old people • Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease • Anti-vertigo agent.
Ginger: For • Effective treatment for nausea especially for pregnant women• Stomach disturbance• Headache• Flu• Treats inflammation• Joint Pain• Lower Cholesterol levels• Detoxification• Reducing weight.
Lemon Grass: (Tanglad) For • Nervous System and Stress.
Shiitake Mushroom: For • Anti-Tumor • Immunological benefits • Anti-Viral properties • Allergies • Arthritis.
Green Tea: • Controls bleeding• Wound healing• Regulates body temperature, blood sugar and promoting digestion.• Prevention fatigue• Improving urinary and brain function it also: • Eases effect of Alcohol • acts as stimulant • Curing blotchiness • Quenching thirst • Eliminating indigestion • Curing beri beri disease.
Pericarpium Citri Reticulatea (Tangerine Dried Peels) Uses: • For vomiting• Phlegm• damp coughs.
Cinammon: For • Toothache • Fights bad breath (halitosis)• Staves off common cold • Aids digestion.
Star Anise: For • Colic and rheumatism• Seeds are chewed after meals to aid digestion. Clove: For anthelmintic toothache.
Therefore, consuming DXN Myco Veggie can increase your energy level and benefit your health in the long-run.
Psyllium Grain: Treatment of constipation, diarrhea, intestinal disorder syndrome, hemorrhoids, low high-density cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, colon cancer, joint and urinary tract inflammations (rheumatoid arthritis cystitis, or arthritis) and for nervous exhaustion.
Celery: For joint and urinary tract inflammations (rheumatoid arthritis cystitis, or arthritis) and for nervous exhaustion.
Mulberry Leaf: For • Asthma • Urinary tract infection • Reduces cholesterol rates • Prevents ulcers • Anti-aging factors and progress in age.
Ginkgo: For • Memory enhancer, • Benefits many students & old people • Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease • Anti-vertigo agent.
Ginger: For • Effective treatment for nausea especially for pregnant women• Stomach disturbance• Headache• Flu• Treats inflammation• Joint Pain• Lower Cholesterol levels• Detoxification• Reducing weight.
Lemon Grass: (Tanglad) For • Nervous System and Stress.
Shiitake Mushroom: For • Anti-Tumor • Immunological benefits • Anti-Viral properties • Allergies • Arthritis.
Green Tea: • Controls bleeding• Wound healing• Regulates body temperature, blood sugar and promoting digestion.• Prevention fatigue• Improving urinary and brain function it also: • Eases effect of Alcohol • acts as stimulant • Curing blotchiness • Quenching thirst • Eliminating indigestion • Curing beri beri disease.
Pericarpium Citri Reticulatea (Tangerine Dried Peels) Uses: • For vomiting• Phlegm• damp coughs.
Cinammon: For • Toothache • Fights bad breath (halitosis)• Staves off common cold • Aids digestion.
Star Anise: For • Colic and rheumatism• Seeds are chewed after meals to aid digestion. Clove: For anthelmintic toothache.
Therefore, consuming DXN Myco Veggie can increase your energy level and benefit your health in the long-run.
It is low in fat, sugar-free, cholesterol-free and high in
both soluble and insoluble fiber, vitamin C, calcium and iron.
It helps
body detoxification by gently cleansing the digestive tracts and promoting waste
elimination through bowels. It may also be used as a substitute for meals as
part of a weight control program.
DXN MycoVeggie is the best of source of
high quality fiber, which keeps your digestive system healthy.
This great
product out ranks any other well-known natural diet products in the
There are hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who are
suffering from over weight or obesity which leads to so many
are a few of the many ways how to use this product and get health benefits from
1) Take one scoop of DXN MycoVeggie with cold or hot water at least
30 mins. before meals.
2) Take one scoop with cold juice such as our DXN
Kiwi juice, DXN Morinzhi, DXN Morinzyme or DXN Cordypine. You may have it also
with your favourite natural juice.
3) You may add it to DXN Cocozhi or
with any kind of cereal you prefer.
4) You can apply it to your green or
any kind of your favorite salad.
5) You can add it to yoghurt, or
cucumber and garlic salad.
6) You can mix it with DXN Reishi Powder, DXN
Morinzhi or DXN Morinzyme at the same time in a glass of water and drink the
mixture early morning or half an hour before your meal.
7) You can add it
to your favorite soups.
8) You can mix it with lemon, garlic and olive
oil and add little of DXN Morinzhi and salt to make the dressing of your
9) Mix it with milk and cereal or corn flakes.
In addition,
don’t forget to drink 6 – 8 glasses of water daily
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Monday, 16 June 2014
Apa itu Demam Denggi?
Apa itu Demam Denggi?
Demam denggi ialah sejenis penyakit bawaan nyamuk yang menjadi masalah utama kesihatan awam antarabangsa dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini. Jenis demam denggi yang lebih merbahaya ialah demam denggi berdarah. Ia merupakan punca utama kematian kanak-kanak di kebanyakan negara hari ini.Demam denggi dibawa oleh nyamuk Aedes kepada manusia melalui gigitannya.
Bagaimanakah penyakit ini merebak?
Demam denggi didapati berlaku di kawasan bandar dan sekitarnya di negara-negara rantau tropika. Sesiapa sahaja yang digigit nyamuk yang membawa kuman virus denggi menghadapi risiko yang lebih tinggi mendapat denggi. Demam denggi menyerupai demam selsema dan ciri klinikalnya berbeza-beza mengikut umur pesakit.
Pemindahan penyakit:
Bagaimanakah terjadinya demam denggi?
Vektor demam denggi adalah nyamuk Aedes betina.
Nyamuk yang telah dijangkiti membawa virus denggi di dalam badannya. Virus ini kemudiannya dipindahkan kepada manusia semasa proses menghisap darah. Sebaik sahaja seseorang itu digigit, virus denggi akan memasuki dan beredar di dalam aliran darahnya, maka bermulalah penyakit ini.
Apakah penyebab demam denggi?
Penyakit demam denggi berpunca dari 4 jenis virus denggi yang dipindahkan kepada manusia melalui nyamuk Aedes yang telah dijangkiti.
Pada asasnya terdapat 4 jenis virus denggi iaitu flavivirus DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 dan DEN-4. Semua nyamuk Aedes berupaya bertindak sebagai vektor virus denggi sebelum memindahkannya kepada manusia. Walau bagaimanapun, vektor utama virus ini ialah nyamuk Aedes Aegypti. Vektor lain adalah seperti nyamuk Aedes Albopictus yang merupakan vektor virus denggi di kawasan bandar.
Apakah faktor yang meningkatkan risiko denggi?
Pada asasnya, mereka yang tinggal di kawasan endemik denggi dan terdedah kepada nyamuk Aedes menghadapi risiko dijangkiti demam ini.
Kumpulan yang berisiko tinggi mendapat penyakit denggi ialah:
·Penduduk dan pelawat kawasan endemik denggi.
·Kanak-kanak berumur 15 tahun ke bawah. Penyakit ini menjadi lebih teruk dan sering membawa kematian kepada kumpulan ini.
Bagaimanakah kedudukan penyakit ini?
Kadar insidens demam denggi dan demam denggi berdarah di Malaysia adalah masing-masing 118.3 dan 5.1 bagi setiap 100,000 penduduk. Manakala kadar kematian atau mortaliti demam denggi dan demam denggi berdarah pada tahun 1998 adalah masing-masing 0.22 dan 0.23 bagi setiap 100,000 penduduk.
Insidens global demam denggi telah meningkat dengan mendadak dalam beberapa dekad kebelakangan ini. Kini demam denggi merupakan endemik di lebih 100 buah negara rantau Afrika, Amerika, Mediterranean Timur, Asia Tenggara dan Pasifik Barat Sebelum tahun 1970, hanya sembilan buah negara mengalami epidemik denggi. Bilangan yang merupakan peningkatan 4 kali ganda di sekurang-kurangnya 41 buah negara dalam tahun 1995. Perangkaan yang lain adalah seperti di bawah . Seramai 2500 juta manusia - iaitu 2/5 penduduk dunia - sekarang ini menghadapi risiko demam denggi. Tanpa rawatan yang bersesuaian, kadar kematian akibat demam denggi berdarah mencapai 15% atau lebih .
Apakah gejala denggi?
Demam denggi ialah sejenis penyakit arboviral yang kompleks merangkumi demam denggi, demam denggi berdarah dan sindrom renjatan denggi.
Demam Denggi
·Ciri-ciri klinikal demam denggi berubah-ubah mengikut umur pesakit:
·Bayi dan kanak-kanak mungkin mengalami demam yang sukar dibeza-bezakan beserta dengan kemunculan ruam.
·Orang dewasa dan kanak-kanak yang lebih tua mungkin mengalami sama ada sindrom demam yang tidak serius ataupun demam kuat yang mengejut, sakit kepala yang teruk, ruam dan sakit di belakang mata, otot dan sendi.
·Pendarahan kulit adalah fenomena lazim.
·Kadar kematian amat rendah.
·Penyakit ini lazimnya bermula dengan peningkatan suhu badan yang mendadak, diikuti gejala-gejala lain yang tidak khusus seperti merah muka dan lain-lain gejala demam denggi yang tidak spesifik.
·Rasa tidak selesa di bahagian ulu hati (epigastrik), sensitif di bahagian rusuk kanan dan sakit di bahagian abdomen merupakan fenomena biasa demam denggi berdarah.
·Demam selalunya berterusan selama 2-7 hari dan suhu badan boleh meningkat setinggi 40-41oC dan mungkin diikuti dengan kekejangan dan pendarahan.
·Dalam kes-kes yang sederhana teruk, selalunya semua tanda dan gejala penyakit hilang selepas demam sembuh.
·Pesakit biasanya sembuh secara spontan atau selepas diberi terapi cecair dan elektrolit (ion berasingan seperti natrium, klorida, potasium, bikarbonat dan lain-lain)
Sindrom Renjatan Denggi
Bagi kes-kes yang serius, keadaan pesakit merosot dengan mendadak selepas demam beberapa hari. Tanda-tanda kegagalan peredaran darah dapat dilihat:
Kulit pesakit menjadi dingin, lebam dan padat dengan darah terkumpul, sianosis sirkumoral (circumoral cyanosis) dan pesakit merasa tidak selesa. Seterusnya, melarat ke tahap renjatan yang kritikal.
Renjatan dicirikan oleh denyutan nadi yang lemah dan cepat, tekanan darah rendah (hipotensi)(keadaan ini menurun secara tidak normal), kulit menjadi dingin serta lembap dan terasa tidak selesa. Pesakit yang mengalami renjatan adalah dalam keadaan bahaya dan boleh mengancam nyawa jika rawatan bersesuaian tidak diberikan segera. Jangka masa renjatan adalah pendek. Pesakit mungkin meninggal dunia dalam tempoh 12 - 24 jam atau sembuh dengan cepat selepas diberi terapi antirenjatan.
Apakah komplikasi yang mungkin timbul?
Komplikasi demam denggi ialah :
Apakah ujian-ujian yang boleh dilakukan untuk mengesan penyakit ini?
Pemeriksaan darah digunakan untuk membantu dalam diagnosis demam denggi. Kiraan sel platlet yang rendah (trombositopenia) dan kepekatan hematokrit (hemokonsentrasi) yang tinggi lazimnya dikesan
Ujian serologi menawarkan kaedah yang paling cepat dan ringkas untuk mengesahkan diagnosis klinikal demam denggi. Pengasingan virus merupakan kaedah diagnosis yang paling boleh dipercayai.
Apakah rawatan yang diberi untuk demam denggi?
Tiada rawatan khusus untuk demam denggi.
Dalam kes demam denggi dengan atau tanpa renjatan, cecair yang diberi secara oral sudah memadai untuk menggantikan kehilangan cecair badan akibat demam kuat, anoreksia dan muntah-muntah.
Ubat antipiretik mungkin boleh digunakan untuk meredakan demam. Walau bagaimanapun, salisilat (sebatian yang mengandungi analgesik untuk melegakan kesakitan, antipyresis - mengurangkan demam dengan menurunkan suhu badan dan aktiviti anti keradangan seperti aspirin) perlu dielakkan kerana ia diketahui boleh menyebabkan pendarahan. Pesakit perlu diawasi dengan rapi bagi mengesan tanda-tanda awal renjatan.
Untuk pesakit-pesakit sindrom renjatan denggi, penggantian awal dan segera plasma yang hilang dengan plasma, penambah plasma dan/atau larutan elektrolit dan cecair akan menghasilkan kesan yang menggalakkan.
Rawatan bukan farmakologi
Rawatan termasuk:
·Meningkatkan pengambilan cecair.
·Meningkatkan bekalan oksigen.
Pesakit demam denggi perlu berehat dan minum lebih banyak air untuk segera sembuh. Pesakit yang mengalami renjatan ketika demam perlu diberi cecair secara intravena (melalui salur darah vena). Oksigen juga perlu diberikan. Untuk pesakit demam denggi berdarah, penggantian cecair badan yang hilang mungkin mampu menyelamatkan nyawanya. Bagi sesetengah kes, pemindahan darah perlu dilakukan bagi mengawal pendarahan.
Rawatan farmakologi
Tiada ubat khusus bagi merawat demam denggi. Rawatan adalah untuk menghilangkan gejala yang timbul.
Apakah jenis pemantauan yang perlu dibuat?
·Apabila sahaja pesakit disahkan mendapat demam denggi adalah menjadi tanggung jawab doktor yang merawat untuk memaklumkan kepada pihak berkuasa kesihatan mengenai perkara ini kerana denggi merupakan penyakit yang perlu dilaporkan. Laporan ini penting supaya tindakan lanjutan seperti di bawah ini dapat dijalankan:
·Kawasan dan persekitaran di mana pesakit disyaki dijangkiti perlu dilakukan pengasapan (fogging) oleh pihak berkuasa.
·Memantau kawasan yang menjadi tempat pembiakan nyamuk aedes supaya ianya tidak merebak ke tempat lain. Jika tempat pembiakan ditemui pemilik rumah akan didenda.
·Apabila pesakit telah keluar dari hospital, beliau dan ahli keluarganya perlu mengambil langkah-langkah pencegahan dan bertindak untuk mencegah penyakit ini dari berulang. Ini kerana pesakit yang pernah mengalami denggi jika ia mendapat semula penyakit ini, kesannya adalah amat teruk.
Apakah prognosis bagi demam denggi?
Pada umumnya, prognosis bagi demam denggi dan demam denggi berdarah adalah baik jika rawatan sokongan diberi lebih awal.
Adakah terdapat kaedah saringan tertentu atau suntikan untuk denggi?
Malang sekali, vaksin untuk penyakit denggi masih belum ada. Namun begitu, beberapa kemajuan telah dicapai dalam proses penghasilan vaksin yang mampu melindungi manusia dari keempat-empat jenis virus denggi. Produk berkenaan mungkin boleh didapati di pasaran dalam beberapa tahun lagi.
Bagaimana cara untuk mencegah denggi?
Berikut adalah langkah-langkah pencegahan utama:
Lindungi diri anda dari gigitan nyamuk
Untuk mengelak dari gigitan nyamuk, seseorang itu perlulah mengetahui tabiat makan nyamuk dan menggunakan bahan penghindar nyamuk pada kulit yang terdedah apabila perlu. Pakai pakaian yang menutupi kebanyakan bahagian tubuh kerana ini boleh melindungi dari gigitan nyamuk. Pasangkan jaring nyamuk dan skrin pada tingkap untuk mencegah nyamuk dari memasuki rumah.
Elakkan dari membuat lawatan ke kawasan berisiko tinggi di waktu siang
Jalan terbaik ialah mengelak dari bertandang ke kawasan berisiko (kawasan bandar) di siang hari. Ini adalah kerana nyamuk Aedes bukanlah serangga malam. Waktu puncak ia mencari makan ialah di awal pagi dan awal senja.
Musnahkan tempat pembiakan nyamuk
Cara lain untuk mencegah denggi ialah dengan memusnahkan tempat pembiakan nyamuk. Nyamuk Aedes membiak dalam tempat-tempat takungan air seperti tayar buruk dan bekas menyimpan air. Anda juga perlu selalu menukar air dalam pasu bunga dan bekas air minum haiwan peliharaan untuk mencegah nyamuk dari membiak. Apa yang anda dan keluarga perlu lakukan ialah:
Hapuskan nyamuk Aedes dewasa
Anda boleh menggunakan penyembur serangga bagi membunuh nyamuk dewasa di dalam rumah. Melakukan semburan menyeluruh bahagian rumah. Untuk lebih berkesan, semburan perlulah dilakukan ke seluruh bahagian dalam rumah. Anda juga boleh menggunakan ubat nyamuk untuk mengelakkan anda dan keluarga dari digigit nyamuk.
Adakah terdapat kaedah saringan tertentu atau suntikan untuk denggi?
Malang sekali, vaksin untuk penyakit denggi masih belum ada. Namun begitu, beberapa kemajuan telah dicapai dalam proses penghasilan vaksin yang mampu melindungi manusia dari keempat-empat jenis virus denggi. Produk berkenaan mungkin boleh didapati di pasaran dalam beberapa tahun lagi. Info daripada : Unit Vektor, JKNPK |
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