Thursday, 27 February 2014


Ganotherapy is not a treatment! Our body will take care of its  own health problems with the right help and support, which may come from the many helpful nutrients in Ganoderma.It is believed that the majority of the western population is in a state of 'pre-illness' without knowing it, due to the bombardment of toxins, environmental pollution, stresses and unhealthy lifestyles due to our diet which is high in fats, cholesterol, sugar, salt and chemical additives.Ganotherapy takes a holistic approach to alternative complementary medicine. The underlying belief in Ganotherapy is that “Our Body is the Best Doctor” and “Prevention is better than cure”.Our body’s immune system when at its optimum condition is able to fight and defend off numerous diseases without having side effects from drugs. All we see or feel is some discomfort through detoxification as the body rids itself of toxins that may have caused illness and disease over time.The 4 basic principles of Ganotherapy:Illnesses are caused by 2 sources; Toxins in our body and disharmony in body functions.Ganoderma does not cure illness, but gives your body the fuel and nutrition that our body needs to help balance our body’s immune system to improve immunity against disease and illness.Any reaction that takes place is caused by our body’s systems and is not directly related to the intake of Ganoderma.The dosage of Ganoderma taken is irrelevant to disease.  i.e. The correct dose is the what works for you.Often there are Misconceptions about herbal medicine. “Herbal medicine has a much higher purpose than to be relegatedto the limited worldview of conventional medicine”. When a person has a diseases or illness, they usually turn to a prescription drugs to solve the problem. Unknown to most patients, is that prescription drugs only mask the symptoms of the disease they don't actually get to the source of the problem.Many users of herbs, nutritional supplements and other complementary or alternative health solutions view those solutions in the same way they view conventional medicine. By expecting the herb to cure their symptoms quickly i.e. If they have pain, they want a pill that will eliminate the pain. In this instance the only difference between patients who turn to conventional medicine versus patients who turn to natural medicine is that people want a pain pill from a plant.All this is extremely frustrating for practitioners of alternative medicine, holistic medicine, herbalists, nutritionists, etc. Because they want to help patients find and repair the cause of the problem. But most patients really aren't looking for long-term solutions as they're looking for short-term masking of their symptoms, by using products that they can call "natural." Alternative medicine is no better than conventional medicine if you treat it as a temporary cover up for a pattern of symptoms that you created in your life through your unwillingness to make changes that lead to long term good health.Herbs should be used holistically to support a healthy lifestyle. Some herbs are truly powerful and can, indeed, help a person maintain overall well being and good health.Ganotherapy offers support in achieving good health by detoxifying and regulating the body. However as these products are actually food, we need to consume enough regularly, for them to make a difference. Perseverance and commitment to change ourselves is important as the body may feel some reaction as it gets rid of the toxins accumulated over the years!

How can Ganoderma improve Your overall Well-Being? 

In the body, all the five active elements of Ganoderma acts in synergy improving overall wellbeing, which is the basis of Ganotherapy. Ganoderma, when consumed properly, reaches all the cells in the body due to its unique qualities.Long term health recovery and protection are more appreciated in Ganotherapy than short term relief, as noticed in many other lines of treatment. DXN TERMÉKEK:


Thursday, 20 February 2014


Buah mengkudu atau Morinda Citrifolia telah dimanfatkan oleh pelbagai masyarakat tempatan di kawasan tropika untuk memelihara kesihatan sejak dahulu kala. DXN mengeluarkan jus mengkudu segar hasil dari ladang sendiri dinamakan MORINZHI melalui teknik pemprosesan moden yang menyingkirkan rasa dan bau yang tidak menenangkan. Ia tidak ditambah bahan sebarang bahan pengawet atau bahan pewarna, perasa tiruan atau gula. Morinzhi adalah jus 100 % semulajadi sebagaimana asalnya dari kawasan hijau tropika.

1. Meningkatkan daya pertahanan tubuh badan.
Ia bertindak merangsangkan produksi sel T yang penting untuk melawan penyakit dan memperkuatkan sistem pertahanan tubuh terutama makrofaj dan limfosit dari sel darah putih serta mempunyai kesan anti bakteria.

2. Menormalkan tekanan darah.
Scopoletin dalam ekstrak buah mengkudu berfungsi untuk meluaskan pembuluh darah yang mengalami penyempitan. Ini akan meringankan tugas jantung yang bekerja kuat untuk mengepam dan menyalurkan darah ke seluruh tubuh.

3. Anti keradangan dan anti alergi.
Scopoletin dari ekstraknya boleh memperbaiki artritis dan sakit lutut.

4. Membantu mengatur beberapa pergerakan tubuh.
Scopoletin dapat membantu mengatur kegiatan tubuh seperti tidur, meyeimbangkan suhu badan, menentukan masa puberti dan sebagainya.

5. Melawan pertumbuhan tumor dan kanser.
Ekstrak mengkudu dapat menyekat pengaliran darah yang menuju ke sel-sel tumor dan mengelakkan pertumbuhan tumor tersebut.

Kepentingan enzim kepada tubuh manusia.

Menyelaraskan persekitaran dalaman tubuh badan.
menguatkan sel-sel badan
meningkatkan pencernaan dan penyerapan nutrien
menyeimbangkan pH badan

ii. Anti
inflamasi dan anti keradangan
iii. Anti
Keupayaan penguraian sel-sel
Membersihkan darah
Keupayaan membina sel-sel baru

Kepentingan enzim yang dihasilkan dari buah mengkudu.
Buah mengkudu sangat istimewa kerana ia kaya dengan Proxeronine dan enzim Proxeronase. Enzim Proxeronase diperlukan untuk menyempurnakan tindak balas biokimia dalam sintesis Xeronine daripada Proxeronine di dalam usus.

Fungsi Xeronine.
Xeronine melindungi dan mengekalkan bentuk dan keupayaan molekul protein supaya ia dapat menembusi dinding sel dan seterusnya membentuk tisu yang sihat. Dengan adanya tisu yang sihat, badan akan berfungsi dengan baik.

Xeronine yang dapat dihasilkan dari proxeronine dapat membantu dalam membesarkan liang-liang membran pada sel-sel badan. Ini membolehkan molekul protein dan asid amino yang bersaiz besar untuk memasuki sel-sel badan. Jadi, ia dapat membantu sel-sel menyerap nutrien-nutrien dari makanan dan suplimen dengan berkesan.

Xeronine menunjukkan kesan positif ke atas sel-sel yang menyebabkan timbulnya rasa ceria. Hasilnya mereka yang mengamalkan pengambilan mengkudu berperasaan lebih baik dan bertenaga.

Xeronine dapat memperbaiki sel-sel yang rosak dan mengaktifkan sel-sel yang lemah di dalam badan.

Cadangan pengambilan: Morinzhi boleh diminum terus antara 1 hingga 2 sudu dua kali sehari. Boleh dicampurkan dengan air suam atau air sejuk atau sebarang campuran jus lain.

juga mengeluarkan jus mengkudu dinamakan morinzyme. Ia adalah jus mengkudu yang diperam (tapai) semulajadi untuk mengeluarkan rasa yang beraroma pada minuman ini.

Cadangan pengambilan morinzyme: 2 sudu besar dicampu ke dalam air sejuk atau suam

Turunkan kencing manis dan darah tinggi  dengan MUDAH. 
Diadun bersama dengan GL POWDER, SPIRULINA & 500ml air tapis